Letter on baibalaa and gang violence

Dear President,

Why do you have to appease to the thugs and gangs that rule or streets? Do you have to personally fight for the cause that has been the single main reason for increase in mob rule and gang violence?

Do you remember the thugs that held bats and clubs on the day returned from your self-exile? The police that day took no action and these are the same people that are trying to hold this mayhem festival called “baibalaa”.

The people that you shook hands with were the same people who have been arrested and charged, and then set free due to lack of evidence. What evidence will be there with the intimidation?

The judges then were the same people who were rumored to be corrupt remnants of the previous regime.

When the government does not get its way it’s always corrupt judges and incapable police work. I know there is an election on the horizon, but do you have to be able to control these gangs just like you accuse the previous regime?

It’s time you teach Maldivians to vote in elections, not through fear. How do you think these gangs come up with the amounts that they pay the players with? When will the countless number of murdered people ever get justice or their families closure when the current government takes up the cause of these thugs and starts fighting the police for their cause?

We hope for much better from you Mr President. So much hope for change for the better.

I know I’m writing a lost cause as a law abiding citizen in this country I carry no POLITICAL WEIGHT to influence the current government’s thought process.

The press secretary mentioned that you will listen to arguments against it, but the current state of lawlessness makes it impossible to speak out against these thugs. I know for one thing that I will be beaten up and stabbed if they know who I am. This is the reality of law enforcement in this small little country of ours.

No sensible citizen of this country wants to see the deaths of these youths on the streets, and now it’s not something that causes outrage amongst the people? Every month a youth gets killed right in the open and how many convictions have there been during the past five years?

I don’t want to see a bleeding kid on the pavement. The people who are against it won’t speak out – how many eyewitnesses come out to give evidence? Why would anyone speak out because they know they will be attacked and probably stabbed?

The police and law enforcement are incapable of dealing with these people and that’s why they are against the event. The opposition won’t say a single word as they are in bed with these gangs as well. How many MPs even from the ruling clan have these groups on the payroll?

You talk about their word. Why is the weight of the word of these thugs so important to us?

I voted for you because I believed in you, not because my neighborhood gang head said to vote for you. Not because the “geydhoshu haru meehun buneema”. Protect the rights of the people who live by the law.


Aishath Maleesha

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Police order to cease DhiFM coverage unconstitutional, says Police Integrity Commission

The Police Integrity Commission has ruled that an order by Maldives Police Services for DhiFM to cease coverage of a riot outside the presidential residence on January 28 was unconstitutional and violated the police act, reports Miadhu.

Police claimed that the order was given because the DhiFM coverage was broadcast in such a manner that it was a potential threat to national security, however police failed to convince the commission.

The commission claimed that two police officers went to DhiTV following an order by Superintendent of Police Ahmed Saudhee, with Saudhee taking the orders from Deputy Commissioner of Police Ahmed Muneeru, according to Miadhu.

Following the incident, Department of Information docked five points from DhiFM’s broadcasting license for eight contract violations,

Police had accused DhiFM of airing live interviews with people calling for others to join the protest and overthrow the government through violence. DhiFM claimed plain clothed officers entered the station’s premises and demanded the broadcast be terminated, raising the ire of advocates for media freedom.

The content review committee at the Department of Information found that DhiFM’s coverage breached aspects of the code including failing to distinguish between fact and opinion, produce unbiased and balance coverage of controversial/political events, and promoting criminal activities as “something good or acceptable”.


Daylight robbery increasing, warns Chief Inspector

Theft and robbery are crimes increasingly conducted  in daylight, said Police Chief Inspector Mohamed Jamsheed, Head of Property and Commercial Crime, during a press conference today.

Many of these crimes were committed by professional thieves known to police, he explained, including many who had been convicted and imprisoned, but had escaped from custody.

“The release of some convicted people is also a very dangerous issue for society,’’ Jamsheed said.

“Last week some people broke in to the IBS office and damaged the doors, drawers and other office property, and stole jewelry, three mobile phones and Rf 71,350 (US$5500),” he noted, adding that police had already arrested a man, Mohamed Mujthaba, in connection with the case.

‘’He was a fugitive who escaped from jail, after he was convicted in drug related case and brought to Male’ for medical treatment,’’ Jamsheed said. “He was arrested on Makunudhoo in Thaa Atoll.’’

Jamsheed said that police had discovered “a lot of items believed to be stolen” in his house, while other stolen items were believed to have been already sold to other people.

Jamsheed also disclosed information about forged dollar notes discovered in a house in Male’.

‘’Police discovered US$248,300 in forged notes inside Mahchangolhi Kuhlhafilaage,’’ he said. ‘’All the notes were printed with one serial number.’’

He said an elderly man, Hussein Ali, had been arrested in connection with the case.

‘’This person was already been arrested by police on charges in different cases,’’ he said.

Jamsheed appealed for any person with information on the cases to notify police, and urged people to prevent strangers from entering houses if they claimed to be searching for someone.


Police arrest “top drug dealer” in Laamu Atoll

Police have arrested and identified a man they allege is “the top drug dealer in Laamu Atoll”, during a press conference called by  Head of the Police Drug Enforcement Department (DED), Superintendent Ahmed Jinah.

Jinah identified the man as Hassan Yousuf, 26 of Mathimaradhoo in Laamu Atoll.

“Police and society have recognised him as the top dealer in Laamu Atoll, and he has now been caught for the second time,’’ said Jinah. “A recent case involving him is in trial, and he was again caught with suspected narcotics.”

Jinah said Yousuf was in police custody and the court had granted an extension of his detention to 10 days.

“The atolls are lately being used by the drug traffickers for transportation and establishing hideouts,’’ Jinah said. ‘’We have conducted special operations in the islands to curb the number of users and dealers, which is hard and challenging due to the low numbers of police officers in the atolls and large areas [to cover].’’

Jinah said police had observed that Addu Atoll, Laamu Atoll and Noonu Atoll were being used by dealers and users for transportation of drugs and the construction of  hideouts.

“We do not consider it a failure of police when the courts declare that charged persons cannot be convicted due to lack of evidence,’’ he remarked. “Sometimes when we appeal to the higher courts they invalidate the lower court’s verdict after considering the evidence presented as adequate.’’

Jinah said that police only accept an investigation as failed “when the highest authority in justice declares that the charged person cannot be convicted due to lack of evidence.”

“Police do not have the authority to criticise a court’s decision,’’ he added.

He also noted that although this was the holy month of Ramadan, drug-related crime had not decreased.


Five children and one man arrested for eating during fasting hours

Police have arrested three persons for allegedly eating during fasting hours of Ramadan, and another three people accompanying them.

Police Sergeant Abdul Muhsin said the three arrested for eating in fasting hours were under-aged males, who were released after giving a statement “and receiving advice.”

According to a person familiar with the matter, the three other persons arrested and taken to the police station included an under-age male and female, and a man over the age of 18.

The source claimed said the second three were not discovered eating, but were arrested by police as they were accompanying people who were eating in the public.

“The group were arrested while they were allegedly eating behind a construction site on the land behind Dharubaaruge,’’ said the source. ‘’They were arrested that afternoon and five of them were released later that afternoon.’’

He added that one of the under-aged males was caught with a packet suspected to contain illegal narcotics, and was now in Dhoonidhoo custodial.

A further four men were arrested last week for eating, including two who were caught near the Alimas Carnival stage and a second pair who reportedly confessed to eating in the toilets of Giyasuddeen school.  They have since been released.


Boy denies charges of terrorism, robbery, assault, kidnapping and possession of pornography

A male aged under 18 has denied charges in the Juvenile Court of robbery, assault and battery, kidnapping, administering illegal drugs, and possessing a pornographic picture in his mobile phone.

Evidence presented to the Juvenile Court by the Prosecutor General’s office included a medical report of the alleged torture and seven witnesses who claimed to have seen the victim with the defendant and a group of people from different areas of Male’.

The defendant, who represented himself, denied the charges against him and requested the prosecution lawyer present evidence proving he had committed the crimes.

The prosecution lawyer presented a medical report of the victim to the court, however the defendant denied the charges saying that the medical report did not state who had carried out the torture.

The Chief Judge of the Juvenile Court Shuaib Hussain Zakariyya fined the boy Rf 666 (US$51.82) for possessing a pornographic picture in his mobile phone, and concluded the hearing saying he would declare a verdict for the case during the next hearing.

The Criminal Court this week also sentenced two other males to 10 years jail in connection with the same case.

Police arrested the underage male along with a group of men in October last year. Police alleged the group kept their victim hostage, robbed his wallet, used his cash card, and tortured him. He reportedly suffered bruises and cigarette burns to his skin.

During a police press conference regarding the case last October, police claimed the kidnappers kept the victim hostage before releasing him for Rf 25,000 (US$1950).

Police alleged the group called the victim’s father and demanded he pay the money for his son’s release.


Father and son injured in street fight

One of three men who allegedly attacked a man and his father last night before fleeing surrendered himself to police this morning.

Police Sergeant Abdul Muhsin said the incident occurred at 11:50 pm last night.

“Three men attacked a father and son [in Male’]; they were both taken to hospital and treated. The father was 47 years-old and the son was 20,” Muhsin said.

He confirmed that one person in connection with the case had since been arrested.

A person familiar with the incident alleged the victim and another man first attacked the group of three men while they were walking past the house of the victim.

“The group of three men fought back,’’ said the source. ‘’One of the three men grabbed a metal tube and tried to escape from the fight.’’

He claimed the victim after ran towards his own house but was followed by one of the three men.

“The victim’s father came in between the two men to stop them [from fighting],’’ he said. “While his father was trying to stop the fight, another of the three men attacked the victim’s father caused him a two- inch cut in the arm.’’

He said claimed the victim suffered a head injury as well as bruises and cuts.


Police negligence responsible for death in custody, says PIC

The Police Integrity Commission (PIC) have ruled that the Maldives Police Services was responsible for the death of Ibrahim Afzal, who self-immolated while in custody at Gahdhoo police station in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll.

Afzal died after pouring petrol over his body and lighting it, police claimed. The PIC said there was no evidence to suggest that police tortured him or set fire to him.

However, as Afzal died while in police custody, police were responsible for him the commission said, making the case one of negligence.

The commission also noted that there was no adequate place in Gahdhoo police station for holding suspects in custody.

The PIC has now sent the case to the Prosecutor General to determine whether a criminal case should be raised against concerned persons.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said that police would accept the responsibilities expected of them.


Fugitive surrenders himself to police

A man wanted by police regarding an undisclosed investigation has surrendered himself to authorities, the Maldives Police Services has said.

Police Sub-inspector Ahmed Shiyam said that Ibrahim Shahum was a fugitive “sought for an investigation” but declined to disclose on what charges he was sought for.

“We haven’t shared that information because we do not know what will happen at court, and if the court acquits him after we told the press what he was charged for, it wouldn’t be fair,’’ said Shiyam. “He came to police last Monday of his own free will.’’

He said Shahum was now in police custody.

Daily newspaper Haveeru reported that Shahum was being investigated in connection with the fatal stabbing of a 17 year-old in late July.

The 17 year old was stabbed in the leg near the Social Centre in Maafannu, Male’. He was admitted to Indira Gandi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) and treated for more than eight hours in the Intensive Care Unit, but the knife severed a major artery and despite an emergency blood transfusion he died the following morning at 6:15am.

A person familiar with the case told Minivan News that police had searched for Shahum “based on statements given to police by [gang] opponents regarding the recent stabbing cases. Those cases include the death of the 17 year-old boy as well.’’
